Apes land

The Story

About us

We are a team of dog lovers and blockchain enthusiasts who have come together to create a new kind of digital collectible.

We have a deep appreciation for the beauty and diversity of NYC, and we're excited to use blockchain technology to give back to NYC for its beauty.

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How it all started

Launch The NYCE Dawgs NFTs collection


We'll be launching our collection of NFTs featuring dog breeds from the bustling city of New York. This is an exciting moment for us, and we can't wait to share our vision with the world.

Release 5 new collections of different dog breeds


We'll be launching our inaugural collection of NFTs featuring various dog breeds from the bustling city of New York. This is an exciting moment for us, and we can't wait to share our vision with the world.

Partnership with Dog shelters for charity NFTs


Partnering with dog shelters to release a series of charity NFTs. This will be an opportunity for fans and collectors to support dog shelters and help make a difference in the lives of dogs in need.

Release of The NYCE Dawgs marketplace


A platform that will allow fans and collectors to buy, sell, and trade NFTs from our various collections. The marketplace will be a one-stop-shop for everything related to The NYCE Dawgs, and we're excited to bring this vision to life.

Questions & Answers

Frequently Asked Questions

NFTs are non-fungible tokens, which are a type of digital asset that can be bought, sold, and traded on a blockchain.
You can buy an NYCE Dog by visiting our website and minting the nfts through our dapp. You will then be able to use POLYGON to complete the transaction through Metamask
The NYCE Dawgs NFTs use high-quality images to capture the essence of the breed. We're proud to be able to support organizations that make a positive impact on the lives of dogs and people in New York City through the sale of our NFTs. So by buying an NYCE Dog NFT, not only you will own a unique digital collectible but also you will be contributing to a good cause.

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